Moral Values
Activity 1: Complete the crossword using the words on the box and taking into
account the definition of the words
below as clues.
Respect Friendship
Compassion Thankfulness
Honesty Forgiveness
Cooperation Love
Responsibility Equity
Activity 2: Name 3
people you respect and write down how you can show respect to them.
Example: I respect my teacher, and I show respect by paying attention
to the class.
I respect … , and I show respect by…..
I respect … , and I show respect by…..
I respect … , and I show respect by…..
Activity 3: Watch the following video and then
answer the questions (You can answer in
Spanish if you want).
Tomado de:
Do you think it
is important to know people better before judging them?
A-Yes B-No
Why? ___________________________________________________________
Do you think it
is important to show respect to everyone?
A-Yes B-No
Why? ______________________________________________________________
Do you think we
all deserve the same respect no matter where we are from?
A-Yes B-No
Why? _______________
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